We have found this pet’s record

We found a pet record for this tag. Below is all of the information that the Pet Owner has currently made available online to those who look up the Tag ID. If you have spotted this pet or currently have this pet in your possession, please do one of the following:

  • Contact the pet owner directly if their contact information is provided below.
  • File a Found Pet Report by clicking the blue button below.
  • You may contact our 24/7 Hotline any time at 1-877-239-6072

Ginnah is lost!

Lost Date January 19th, 8:30am
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? Yes
Last seen at 11801 E Alsea Hwy, Tidewater, OR 97390, USA
Boarding facility rehomed my dog without permission. I payed them and didn't get my dog back. They won't tell me who they gave her to.


pet found at marker location on map


%name%, a %color% %breed% %type%
Tag Code N0GQVTDL (Expired)
Breed Mixed
Species Dog

Basic Information

Color Black, White
Gender Female
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number AVID*606*084*329
Pet Date of Birth 11/04/2014

Owner Information

Owner Name Jonathan Klein
Phone Number (541) 819-2246
Email Address ja_klein@outlook.com
Home Address 433 Ne 7th St
Newport OR 97365
Secondary Address 34004 Cougar Mountain Rd
Mitchell OR 97750

Pet Care Information

Medical Information

Veterinarian Animal Medical Care